Tuesday, July 31, 2012
New Freebies Tab!

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Dollar Days Sale!!!
Members of the Lesson Cloud Community have gotten together to throw a Dollar Days BTS Sale. All participants will be offering items in their stores for $1 - $2 for two days only, July 29th and 30th. All of my class theme sets, regularly priced at $3.50 to $4.00 will be $2.00. So hurry on over and get some of your BTS shopping done a little early!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Christmas in July Sale Extended!
I am joining my fellow bloggers at Blog Hoppin' for a Christmas in July SALE!!! I am offering 20% off
of all of my SEASONAL merchandise for one day only, July 25th. So hop on over to my TpT store and grab some awesome seasonal items at 20% off, then hop on over to Blog Hoppin' to see my bloggin' buddies who have also joined in the fun. Just look for this Christmas button created by Abby from
UPDATE: Due to the site being down longer than expected, I am extending my sale one more day. All my seaonal lessons will remain on sale for 20% off on July 26th as well. Thank you for your patience!!!
Merry Christmas in July!!!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Check Out This Fab Giveaway!
Cecelia at I Love 1st Grade is having a HUGE giveaway to celebrate her goal of reaching 500 followers! It includes prizes from over 20 bloggy friends (I'm one of them, YAY)!!! So, what are you waiting for? Click the pic, and sign up!

Saturday, July 14, 2012
Place Value. Oh My!!!
We begin our school year with place value and so I have been searching the Internet for a cute video to go with some of my pace value lessons. Upon searching, I found this great video from Mr. R. Check it out!
I also found this great idea on how to make a place value chart using a folder from Thinking Outside the Schoolbox. I have used PV pockets before, but the numbers tend to slide around. I think this might solve the problem.
And I found this slightly different version from Mrs. Farmer's 5th Grade Class.
I also found this great idea on how to make a place value chart using a folder from Thinking Outside the Schoolbox. I have used PV pockets before, but the numbers tend to slide around. I think this might solve the problem.
And I found this slightly different version from Mrs. Farmer's 5th Grade Class.
Here are a couple of units that I have created that I also use with place value:
Place Value Base Ten Block Buddies is available at both my TpT and Teacher NB stores for $5.00.
Place Value Safari is available at both my TpT and my Teachers NB stores for $7.00.
It's never to soon to start planning. The new school year will be here before you know it!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Softball Mom, Need I Say More?
Here is what I have been up to this summer (besides creating new items for my TpT and TNB stores and blogging). My 12 year old daughter has been competing in Pony All-Star 12u softball tournaments. The team's name is Extreme Wildfire, very appropriate as they have burned up the competition! They have won 1st place in both the San Antonio Pony Sectionals and Central Texas Regionals, and now they are headed to Louisiana to compete in the Pony National Tournament! These girls play their hearts out and truly put forth a TEAM effort. And to top all of that, my husband is their coach, and a very good one I might ad! Softball allows Kaylee and her dad to have some daddy/daughter bonding time (Lots of bonding time, since he eats and sleeps softball when he is not at work. Not only is he their coach, but his is also the president of the Tri-City Girls Softball League). The girls even turned a triple play at the Regional Tournament which will be aired on the SA news station, KSAT12 during the Instant Replay portion of the sportscast.

Spelling Rules!
Available at both my TpT and Teacher NB stores for only $1.00 each.
If your kiddos are like mine, they are always in need of practicing spelling words correctly. Adding suffixes can be confusing when it comes to spelling, so I have created 3 sets of word sorts, each of which addresses a different spelling rule. I included a brightly colored poster for each one, which states the rule. You can post these in your classroom to help your students remember the different rules. Also, the word sorts allow the kiddos a hands-on activity in which they have to cut, sort, and glue the words in the correct column. Happy sorting!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012
Check Out This Great NEW BLOG!!!
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