I was just checking my email in between grading papers, and low and behold, I got an email from the Teeny Tiny Teacher saying that she was giving me an award. I couldn't believe it. Me? I was SOOOOOOO excited, to say the least. The Teeny Tiny Teacher is like a celebrity in the blogging community AND she has like over 500 followers ( I have about 28 for far, but I love every one of them!)AND she picked ME to receive the Versatile Blogger Award!

I would like to thank, thank, thank Kristen for bestowing this award on me. I will try my best to live up to the expectations of such an honor. I would also like to thank the great teachers I work with and all the wonderful teachers in Teacher Blog Land for being such an inspiration to me, especially my good friend Meghan whose blog site is Oh My 4th Grade! She is the one who encouraged me to create my blog and she is constantly telling me about things like Linky Parties, TpT, Teachers NB, Pinterst, etc...It's a whole other world out here in Blogger Land.
AND NOW..... (per the rules) I have to tell you 7 things about myself, so.....
1. Teaching is my second career. I worked in retail for 22 years, then went back to college at the age of 39 and earned my masters and teaching certification at the same time. I had my daughter at the age of 36 (my only child) and I wanted to be able to be with her throughout her schooling and not have to work every holiday and weekend. My husband says I work more hours now then I did in retail, but it's different. I stay at school late, work at home, and think about school all of the time because I want to, not because I have to.
2. My dad passed away in September my first year of teaching from a heart attack, and my mom passed away 15 months later in December,from colon cancer(that was really tough). But, now I have two angels in heaven watching out for me :)
3. My favorite movies are True Lies, Demolition Man, and Something about Mary (I almost peed in my pants during the hair gel scene).
4. I love to decorate. I decorated my almost 3,000 sq ft house all by my lonesome. I even took a college course in decorating and worked with a group of decorators for about a year, but it was very difficult to get clients on your own. Someday, I would love for my husband to build custom homes (his dream job) and I get to decorate them (my dream).
5. My husband, my child, and I, go to the Parade of Homes EVERY year to get ideas for a dream home that we want to build ourselves (we already have the land and the floor plan, but have to sell our current house first). Hopefully, building our dream house could be the start to realizing the dream above.
6. My sisters (I have two) and I LOVE TO SHOP!!! Almost every time we get together (Oh, who am I kidding), EVERY time we get together you can bet there will be some kind of shopping trip. Only thing about this hobby is, you gotta have $$$ and that's getting harder and harder to come by.
AND finally .....
7. I would love to be able to travel around the world when (and if) I ever retire. I would love to visit Greece, Spain, Germany, Italy, Hawaii, and the northern U.S. I have been to New Mexico, the tip of Colorado, California, Florida (Disney World) Juarez, Mexico (a long time ago... wouldn't dare go there now, it's not safe), and twice to Cancun. That's the extent of my traveling thus far. I don't want to move, I just want to visit. I am truly a TEXAS girl at heart and refuse to live anywhere else. We moved once, to New Mexico, and moved back just as soon as we could. It was nice, but just not home.
Now the rules say to pass this award onto 15 bloggers, so check them out!
RULES: *Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
*Share 7 things about yourself.
*Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs.
