It's been a while since I have last posted, and as I was looking through my email, I noticed my friend Rebecca over at
Teacher's Chatterbox just nominated me for the Blog on Fire Award. I feel so honored to be chosen!
Here are the rules: You must tell 7 things about yourself and choose 7 blogs to pass this award on to. So here goes.....
1). I have become obsessed with Pinterest this past week and can't seem to break away for long period of time.
2). I really want to do a big giveaway on my blog, but I have to figure out how to do the "random counter" thingy.
3). My baby girl is not a baby any more (She will be 12 in January and is in middle school). Sigh......
4). I stay up way too late blogging, playing games on the computer, and creating digital units (like now it's 11:30 PM ).
5). I'm a horrible typist, so please forgive me if there are typos.
6.) I was valedictorian of my high school class (Don't be too impressed. I only graduated with 40 people).
7.) I never attended a public school in my life, but I teach at one.
And for the 7 blogs I've chosen.......