
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Super Saturday YouTube Video of the Week: Why Isn't Pluto a Planet?

In Science, we are beginning our study of the solar system this next week.  I don't know about other places, but our Science textbooks are so old, they still have Pluto as a planet, and most parents of the kiddos we have, learned that Pluto was a planet (including myself), so it is sometimes difficult to explain why it isn't a planet anymore.  That's where this video can help out!  It gives a detailed description of why Pluto is not considered a planet anymore, and how scientists can change their conclusions as we learn more about our solar system.  Take a look and see what you think!


  1. Patti,

    Thank you for stopping by to see my blog! I am glad that you found me in our hugy 'cyber world!' I am not "following" you as well! The 'love bugs' are too cute...I'm sorry you didn't see them sooner, as well!

    I will be talking to you soon!
    Take care...

  2. Thanks Joey! So glad you stopped by to visit! I look forward to sharing ideas with you!
    Patti :)

  3. Hey Patti, thanks for stopping by my blog. I am so surprised that I was not following you already!!

    Drowning in Paperclips

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for following me!
      Patti :)

  4. Awwww.... I JUST taught this two weeks ago! I'll have to pin this for next year!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

    1. Angela,
      What a bummer! Like you said, there's always next year. Thanks for following my blog!
      Patti :)

  5. Thanks for sharing this video. My sister lives in Dallas now. I can't wait to visit her this summer!!

    A Perfectly Poetic Page
