
Friday, December 30, 2011

New Telling Time Unit and Freebie!

Step right up to my TpT or Teachers NB stores and check out my new unit on telling time. It includes separate worksheets on time to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour, as well as elapsed time.

to celebrate the coming of a new year, I have a little freebie on telling time for you. You can also download this from my TpT or Teacher's NB stores.

Happy New Year!!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year Resolutions Linky Party

My friend over at A Teacher's Treasure is having a New Year Resolutions Linky Party.

Here are the directions:
1. copy and paste this image to your post & link it to this party!
2. Make sure you include both personal & professional goals.
3. No more then 3-5 goals for each.

My Personal Goals:
1. Lose all the baby weight I gained 12 years ago :)
2.Continue to blog, blog hop, & pin.
3. Make more $ by building up my TpT and Teachers NB Stores and increasing my followers.

My Professional Goals:
1. Get better organized(I am getting better, but still have a long way to go).
2. Work on my Reader's and Writer's Workshop (I bought a fabulous Rockin' Readers WS Unit from the girl's at Lesson Plans SOS).
Leave school earlier (I tend to always be the last one out the door).

I decided to keep mine short and sweet. Maybe I will have a better chance reaching them if I narrow my focus. What are yours? Link up and share !!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas at the White's House

I absolutely love Christmas and I love decorating my house for Christmas! I have been married for over 23 years, and have accumulated quite a collection of trees, garland, Santa's, snowmen, etc...

I have a huge 12 foot tree, a chili pepper tree, a woodland tree, a pink ballet tree, and a small Boyd's Bears tree.

My husband hand wraps all the branches on the 12 foot tree. We think about buying a new one that is pre-lit, but there's nothing wrong with the one we have. It just takes a lot of man and woman-power to decorate. We have had it for over 13 years, so it's kind of like part of the family.

We even dress up our dog for Christmas (poor Teddy).

So with all that said, I am inviting you take a Christmas tour of my house through my pics. I hope they bring some Christmas cheer to you and yours.

Merry Christmas ya'll from the White's House in San Antonio, Texas!

Blog Award for Little Old Me?

I can't believe it! I'm off for 2 weeks for a MUCH needed rest, Christmas is just around the corner, and I just received an award for my blog. It doesn't get much better than this!

I was pleasantly surprised to receive this award from Ms. Crissy B. over at Buzzing with Mrs. B! Thank you so much Ms. Crissy:) Check her blog out as well as the great blogs that I have chosen for this award. I promise you won't be disappointed!

The goal of the award is to spotlight up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers. The rules are:
  1. copy and paste the award on your blog
  2. thank the giver and link back to them
  3. reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
  4. hope that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers

Debbie's Dabblings

Classroom Creations

3rd Grade Sprinkles

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Blowout Sale!!!!

Because you work so hard and in the spirit of Christmas, I am having a sale at both my Tpt Store and my Teachers NB Store on ALL of my items. Get 20% off through Christmas Day. And while you are there, pick up some FREEBIES as well!

Happy Holidays!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gingerbread Houses Mean Christmas Vacation is Here!

Well, I can't believe it. Christmas vacation is finally here! Every year, we have our kiddos earn gingerbread houses by mastering their addition facts. This year I forgot to bring my camera, but I have pictures from previous years that I can show you, so you can get the basic idea. Every time they make a 100 on a timed test, they get an item for the gingerbread house ( IE, +1's would be the plate, +2's the form, +3's the sides, + 4's the roof and so on....) We use the small milk cartons from the cafeteria for the form, and graham crackers for the sides and roof. We used to make our icing, but we finally got smart and started buying the ready-made icing. We have the students bring one can of icing and one item. It's great when everybody contributes! That way the teachers don't go broke. Here are a few pics from previous years:

Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!